October 22, 2007

a thumpin'

While gloating isn't my style (yeah, right), I would be remiss if I didn't mention the fabulous thumpin' the Red Sox delivered to the Indians.

Fat and dirty, just like I like 'em.

"I think when you're in this kind of pressure cooker, you can either fold or implode or you can relax and be yourself," said general manager Theo Epstein. "That's what our guys do. None of the circumstances bother them."

Word. I find that the Red Sox and I are similar in that way. NOT. I also enjoyed Millar's visit back to Fenway and delivery of the lineup. He cracks me up, and still reminds me of one, Crickie Thomas.

Ohh, and Papelbon's encore Riverdance performance? Priceless.

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