March 31, 2008

oscillating between the "new and troubling" and "perverse and often baffling"

I'm a This American Life junkie. It's my crack, my blow, my espresso, my drink of choice. I cannot walk to the bus without it. I cannot sit on the bus without it. I cannot walk to work without it. I cannot walk my dog without it. I cannot drive without it, cook without it, clean without it, NOTHING.

(I promise you I'm not overselling this one.)

Most of you already listen to the radio show or, like me, download the podcasts, so I don't feel like I need to describe it. If I do, please notify me immediately so I can bring happiness and joy into your life. I'm actually not kidding. One hour with This American Life and you'll feel like a new person. And you'll lose 15 pounds. Okay, that's a lie.

All that build-up, just to leave you with this plug: Download and listen to this episode, one of the best to date. I laughed so hard I actually had to pull my car to the side of the road so I could wipe my happy-tears from my eyes - something that's happening more and more these days.

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