March 13, 2008

meme! movies i luuurve

I'm not able to blog during work anyone. That's a bit of a lie, as no one has told me to stop, but heads are rolling and it's making me nervous, so I have to save it for my personal time. And you know something? I'm thrilled that I have better things to do than sit at home and blog (like drinking! in bars!).

And still, the guilt of a update-free blog has really gotten to me, so I picked up this meme from another blog, I wish I remember which one, and so I only hope it doesn't bore.

Here are the rules:
  1. Pick 10 of your favorite movies.
  2. Go to IMDb and find a quote from each movie.
  3. Post them here for everyone to guess.
  4. Strike it out when someone guesses correctly, and put who guessed it and the movie.
  5. Looking them up is cheating, please don't. Jesus hates cheaters (I added the last part).

Have at it, only I picked 14 because I didn't want to leave any of my favorite movies out:

  1. Love is too weak a word for what I feel - I luuurve you, you know, I loave you, I luff you, two F's, yes I have to invent, of course I - I do, don't you think I do?
  2. See me, I'm kinda into ugly... But only if it's sexy ugly. Jen, Kissing Jessica Stein
  3. OK, so... so... sometimes I lie. I mean, I'm weird, man. About random stuff too, I don't even know why I do it. It's like... it's like a tick, I mean sometimes I hear myself say something and think, Wow, that wasn't even remotely true. David, Garden State
  4. It's better to help people than garden gnomes. David, Amelie.
  5. I saved Latin. What did you ever do? Jen, Rushmore
  6. Good things come to obsessive-compulsives who fixate.
  7. I'm very sorry for your loss. Your mother was a terribly attractive woman.
  8. I'm dead and they're talking about wheat.
  9. Patches? We don't need no stinkin patches. Jen, Troop Beverly Hills
  10. He's weird, he's strange, he's sloppy, he's a total nightmare for women... I can't believe I haven't slept with him yet. Jen, Reality Bites
  11. I'm not much on rear window ethics. David, Rear Window
  12. What's your damage Heather? Danielle, Heathers
  13. Why do you have to point out how stupid everyone is all the time? David, Lost in Translation
  14. It's contradictory to defend Catalan at the very moment we're creating a European Union.
UPDATE: As David continues to smoke everyone in this "competition," I'm forced to admit I don't know how to strike out words in Blogger. Does anyone know? If so, do tell.

For now, I'm just going to bold the ones that have been correctly guessed, and then write the name next to it in italics. I hope that's not too confusing.


David said...

I think # 3 is Garden State, but now it is going to bug me all night, because I know I've seen it

David said...

oh maybe its Juno

mollytics said...

Which is it, dude... because one of the guesses is correct...

David said...

could the one about rear window ethics be "The rear window?"

David said...

I say Juno, if I have to pick...

David said...

the second to last one is "lost in translation"

mollytics said...

Most are correct, one is not. Refresh and take a look.

David said...

OK so I guess its "garden state."

mollytics said...

Well done.

David said...

Garden gnome one is "amelie" I think.

Unknown said...

sexy ugly - Kissing Jessica Stein

I saved latin - Rushmore

patches - Blazing Saddles, but I believe you're looking for Troop Beverly Hills (such similar films)

He's weird he's strange he's sloppy - Reality Bites

mollytics said...

Well done, Jen!

Danielle said...

What's your damage Heather? Could it be Heathers?

I'm surprised/irritated at how many of these I don't know...

mollytics said...

Don't be irritated/surprised... I'm sure I'd have no idea if the roles were reversed.