December 13, 2007

My Margarita Machine Party (a holiday tale)

When it was announced that our workplace was going to celebrate the holidays with, among other things, a karaoke competition and director door decoration competition between departments, I tried to fight it.
First I was angry that we had to do it: This is lame! I will not participate!

Then I was annoyed that we had to do it: You're not the boss of me! I do what I want, when I want! I'm an only child (what?)!

Then I moved slowly into denial: They really can't make us do this, right? I mean, it's not legal. So I'm fine.

And then I hit the brick wall called 'reality': Well if every other department is participating, I can't be the only loser to object. Then I'd look lamer than if I actually do participate.

Followed closely by typical Type-A foolishness: And if I'm going to participate, I'm going to win!

And now? Now my need-to-succeed has kicked in and I can't wait to bring those other departments DOWN.

Communications Department Rulez!

Stay tuned for pictures, the winners, the losers, and the expected drunken photos of the after party.

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