August 7, 2007

a little night conversation

So I'm having dinner tonight with three lovely ladies. CC cooks a lovely meal. DW bakes a lovely cake. LM brings a lovely bottle of wine. I bring myself. And so it goes.

DW says: Oh my god y'all, I have to tell you something!
MJ says: Did you have an abortion?
LM says: I have to tell you all something I've never told anyone before.
MJ says: Did you have an abortion?

And so it goes.

I'm gonna miss the heck out of LM when she goes to Duke in a week... and judging by the send off party we had on Friday, so is the rest of DC.

And so it goes.

UPDATE: One more conversation I forgot to post...

DW: I have to tell you something
LM: Do you have a subscription to Playboy?

And so it goes.

UPDATE #2: Clearly I had too much wine and should have waited to post in the AM.

DW: Maybe you'll find your own CPC Andy!
MJ: Yeah, but maybe he'll be your "parental notification" Andy? Or perhaps your "TRAP law" Andy?

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