This YouTube debate on CNN makes me nervous. I swear to you, I can't handle it. And from what I just saw, neither can Anderson Cooper. I don't like to see my little friend so small and vulnerable looking. At least I have my reliable friend, two-buck Chuck, with me - he always helps me through.
Anyway, while I believe this debate is over-hyped and sorta lame, I'm totally hooked. It's too bad they'll only get through about six questions in an hour, but still, I agree it's interesting. A revolution? Nah, but interesting? Sure. The general consensus of the netroots is that unless CNN doesn't let the voters select the questions themselves, it's not really "for the people." I get that, but have you watched the submitted questions? That'd be a HUGE disaster. I mean, some of the questions that made it through are a mess, so I can only imagine.
And now it's time for the breakdown (In no particular order):
- Sen. Gravel on Sen. Obama: When you aim for a smack-down... MAKE IT HAPPEN. Otherwise, don't bother.
- Sen. Edwards: Sweet little Edwards... I mean come ON! He's precious. He rocked a rash on his neck early on - did anyone catch it? Still - in my eyes, this man still has the "meatiest" message to deliver, and when I look into those eyes...
- I wonder: Can Sen. Obama do no wrong? He clearly had the most applause, and though it was mostly well-earned, I have to believe most of it comes from his rock-star status.
- You know, I'm proud Sen. Clinton is running as a woman, too. I really am. And no, I'm not going to predictably comment on her lovely coral suit, fabulous make-up, and neat hairstyle. I'll let the media go there instead.
- Oooh the Elizabeth-Edwards-calling-out-Clinton question: I do believe Sen. Clinton delivered a big old "Oh Snap!" directly to the Edwards campaign. And I agree: it is fabulous that we can debate who will be better on women's issues. Fab!
- Women getting health care: Is it just me, or does Edwards bring himself to near-tears when he speaks about poverty? This man is COMMITTED to his cause. For riz.
- Gay marriage: Clearly, Sen. Dodd had to practice this answer over and over again. I think he almost believes it. Gov. Richardson keeps bringing me back - I like that he speaks within the realm of reality. I really do.
- Maybe it's just the diversity-team in me, but first they tried to "break" the mic of Sen. Gravel (the clear outsider, invited only to mix it up a little), and then the mic of Gov. Richardson (the lovable latino) begins to go in and out... does CNN hate minorities?
- I'm uncomfortable with the excessive "pull out now"s from Barry in Philadelphia. Seriously Barry, wordsmith it.
- Anderson isn't v. good at enforcing the rules: He keeps saying "time" but it's more like a question than a statement, and there certainly isn't any backing it up. What has happened to Anderson?
- And, while we're at it, why must we act like those candidates that chose the earpiece to hear were lesser somehow? I couldn't hear half of them, and I have Tivo. Sheesh.
- Sen. Dodd gets feisty on the war and me likey. Too bad he's rumored to drop out soon.
- Okay crazy Sen. Gravel does make some excellent points. But he's crazy. And Alaskan. So it just won't work.
- He he he... Sen. Edwards said "do the duty" and it sounded funny. I need another glass of wine.
- What kind of BS women + draft question was that? How is it even relevant? Dumb, or as Sen. Gravel says, "What's the difference?" Amen, brother.
- Oh good lord - Sen. Edwards is going to cry again. Adorable.
- (I'm sorry, I must have fallen asleep)
- Gov. Richardson is cute. An alleged womanizer, but cute.
- Sen. Gravel is funny AGAIN... someone give this man his own CW show... STAT.
- Wait... is Sen. Edwards from a little town in North Carolina? And did his dad work in a mill? Because I don't think he's mentioned that before.
- I'm scared of the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) question (the scary guy with the scary voice and the scary song... it's just TOO much)... so I needed to get more wine to make it all better, and I missed the responses. Oops.
- Public school or private school: Oh boy... this always makes me mad (disclaimer: I went to private school from 1-12). I hate this question because to me it means NOTHING. And I hate, hate, hate when it's brought up. Sen. Obama is right, though - it's not about whether or not they send their kids to private school, it's about the current state of the public education system. I know I'll lose a lot of people on this opinion of mine, but I can't help it.
- Why does Sen. Dodd have a preschooler? Can we discuss that?
- Dang! Planned Parenthood got their sex-education question in there and we, so far, didn't... DANG IT! Still, v. good question and I don't understand Sen. Edwards' answer. These boys (Sen. Obama) don't know how to sound confident and comfortable when answering these types of questions. Or as Wonkette said, "8:24 — Okay, so they’ll all otherwise avoid the question from the abortionists — “Do you talk to your kids about having sex” — by acting like it was really a question about kids getting fucked by priests."
- Those crazy Tennessee YouTubers... GREAT video!
- Ok, they blasted kids for asking questions for adults, but posted the damn snowman video? What? Explain that, CNN, won't you please?
- I wish CNN would let us see all of the videos on the TV screen. It's annoying to not be able to see them.
- Show of hands on private-jet questions: classy, Anderson. Way to call 'em out. Wow - what a sheepish bunch.
- "Agnostic about nuclear power," eh? What the ROCK does that mean, Sen. Clinton?
- My CNN is ODing on Coors' underage drinking PSA... and it's annoying me, and making me want to drink more. So I will.
- Ok, the Silver Fox is winning me back... he's getting snippy and I like it.
- Sens. Clinton and Obama are ones to talk about "Mitt Romney money" though I do so enjoy that slogan. Is "Mitt Romney money" the new "plantains?"
- Sen. Edwards renamed "West Virginia"... it's now "Western Virginia." Nice try, but even WV doesn't want to be associated with VA that directly.
- Well, at least Gov. Richardson talked about prevention in relation to health care... now if only someone would talk about Roe.
- Okay, Sen. Gravel is getting greedy now. Shut up, dude.
- God and guns... it always went together in my book.
- Oh Snap #3: Anderson Cooper called Gov. Richardson out on his NRA rating... I didn't know that, and now that I do, my Richardson flame has dimmed a bit.
- "If that's his baby, he needs help." WOW - zing from Sen. Biden and the crowd wakes up. Good job. Only, was he suggesting that this dude is mentally unbalanced? Because we all agree, but dang! Sleep with one eye open Sen. Biden.
- Follow the money... okay Sen. Gravel, time to recharge before the trip home.
- Sen. Dodd likes Sen. Edwards' wife... Edwards - sleep with one eye open. Maybe have a sleepover with Sen. Biden?
- Gov. Richardson and his VP quip - overused, but nicely delivered. Same with SoS
- Oh Sen. Biden - the wife comment was already used!
- "You'll notice CNN didn't put anyone to the left of me" says Kucinich... and SilverFox replies, "I don't think they could find anyone." NICE! Way to end on a high note, Andy!
DODD: Heck yeah! The guy with the white hair for the White House... brilliant. I totally dig it.
CLINTON: "Sometimes the best man for the job is a woman" - she might have won me over right there. Might. But Carville didn't look impressed. Interesting.
EDWARDS: Okay... whoa. I just got chills watching this video. This dude wants it SOOO bad. So. Bad. And I want to give it to him. So. Bad. And yet...
GRAVEL: I don't think his campaign fully understands this whole "YouTube" thing... there was nothing grassroots about it, though it was nicely made. Whatever.
RICHARDSON: Eh... cute, and it played off his other YouTube videos, but the others, so far have been more entertaining.
BIDEN: Not exactly YouTubey, but good. Solid.
KUCINICH: I think he wants us to TEXT PEACE. Or something.
OBAMA: Maybe I'm just tired, but it didn't do it for me. Again, it was good, and definitely grassroots, but eh.
AND the YouTube video winner is... EDWARDS. Hands down. But they were all mostly v. creative and enjoyable.
I'm tired. And off to watch, and not live-blog, Hell's Kitchen. 'Night y'all.
1 comment:
Ok, so after five glasses of scotch I didn't make it through this whole post. But I am with you on the private school question. What does sending their kids to public school prove? They don't care about public education? BS.
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